Multi-zone Music

music in every room of your house


We install multi-room audio systems that enable you to listen to music in every room in the house or the same music in multiple rooms, wake up to your favourite radio station and have it playing as you enter the kitchen for breakfast.

Works with Spotify..


Loxone’s new revolutionary incedible audio server offers up to 4 separate zones should you need to add more zones you can simply add a stereo extension offering a further 2 zones each. There is the potential of up to 24 separate zones! It is is compatible with all your favourite internet music channels, including Spotify and TuneIn and Apple’s Airplay. It’s small size factor packs quite a punch when hooked up with some good quality speakers. It also includes a digital output should you wish to hook it up to you favourite amp. You can store your entire music library on the music server so it’s readily accessible in any or all of the rooms in the house. You can create separate playlists and separate favourite radio stations for each room. It’s also extremely energy efficient using less than 2 watts when idle!

The Loxone Stereo Extension


Integrated speech facility

The speakers can be used for your doorbell, alarm clock or burglar alarm. Audible reminders played over the speakers can remind you to do things you may have otherwise forgotten – never accidentally leave a window open before you go to bed again!


We’re happy to provide a free, no obligation quote for your multi-room audio installation. Contact UniQhome for more information.

At UniQhome we specialise in the affordable supply and installation of multi-room audio and smart home technology in East London and Essex. Find out more about UniQhome.

Ensure your home is ready for the 21st Century!
Contact us or call on 07541 160207 to start the adventure today.
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